Loser Coin
Loser Coin (LOWB) is a memecoin that surpasses DOGE and SHIBU in popularity. The project promises not to manipulate the market, not to postpone fundraising and never to increase the supply.
News about Loser Coin
28 Apr 2023, 07:54
Please welcome to test the Beta version of LoserWorld a brand new LoserGame
There is a Bounty program for reporting bugs 😅🤌🏼
Please welcome to test the Beta version of LoserWorld a brand new LoserGame. There is a Bounty program for reporting bugs.Please welcome to test the Beta version of LoserWorld a brand new LoserGame
There is a Bounty program for reporting bugs 😅🤌🏼
28 Apr 2023, 06:39
五一假期玩什么. LowbWorld不删档公测了. 赶紧叫上好友来组队,彩蛋多多,惊喜多多. 服务器现在设置上限为200人,如果发现bug并在电报群报告还会有额外装备奖励。游戏地址为:.五一假期玩什么?LowbWorld不删档公测了!赶紧叫上好友来组队,彩蛋多多,惊喜多多!服务器现在设置上限为200人,如果发现bug并在电报群报告还会有额外装备奖励。游戏地址为:http://lowbai.com:666/
26 Apr 2023, 09:42
如果有人还要印制,可以选择D1款(60支280g),价格是45元。(现在的D款的标准是40支,230g,40元)。. 当然,如果重购,这次真心就是"真·自费"了。.如果有人还要印制,可以选择D1款(60支280g),价格是45元。(现在的D款的标准是40支,230g,40元)。
24 Apr 2023, 14:31
#loserworld 正在疯狂内测即将上线!
👀有没有一种像素风加上 #暗黑破坏神 的既视感?
#loserworld 正在疯狂内测即将上线. 有没有一种像素风加上 #暗黑破坏神 的既视感. 经典的RPG玩法,带lowb们梦回当年逃课在网吧通宵的激情岁月. 目前已知有:任务系统,好友系统,公屏聊天(可以全屏喊话的那种).#loserworld 正在疯狂内测即将上线!
👀有没有一种像素风加上 #暗黑破坏神 的既视感?
24 Apr 2023, 07:27
兄弟们速度去冲leon大佬的社区,leon在他们社区里灵魂拷问lowb社区的精神是什么. leon大佬的实力可以看推特大V倪老师说的话. 这次是离真的大佬最近的距离了,跟着大佬走.兄弟们速度去冲leon大佬的社区,leon在他们社区里灵魂拷问lowb社区的精神是什么?
23 Apr 2023, 07:46
22 Apr 2023, 18:29
this week in lowb (04/22)
1.[Anniversary Celebration Event] LoserCoin 2nd Anniversary Celebration, everyone buys T-shirts at their own expense
Yes, we, the LoserCoin community, have passed our 2nd anniversary. In order to celebrate the happy and unhappy times we have gone through together in the past two years, at this important moment, we happily decided to launch an event: [2nd Anniversary! Buy compassionate shirts with your own money! ]
2. The activity of the lowb telegram group has increased significantly, and the lowbgpt bot plays an important role in the group
3. Losercoin official website has been updated, the new official website is more cool
this week in lowb (04/22).this week in lowb (04/22)
1.[Anniversary Celebration Event] LoserCoin 2nd Anniversary Celebration, everyone buys T-shirts at their own expense
Yes, we, the LoserCoin community, have passed our 2nd anniversary. In order to celebrate the happy and unhappy times we have gone through together in the past two years, at this important moment, we happily decided to launch an event: [2nd Anniversary! Buy compassionate shirts with your own money! ]
2. The activity of the lowb telegram group has increased significantly, and the lowbgpt bot plays an important role in the group
3. Losercoin official website has been updated, the new official website is more cool https://losercoin.org/
22 Apr 2023, 07:20
如果,大家有参与意愿,请将你的想要印制的loserpunk图像,私信发我( @theseato )。要求是:将loserpunk图像的名称改为相应的编码,如:“#666.png” ,发送原图。
进去之后找:小葵客服。找到小葵客服之后报口令:“LoserCoin社区 - D款”
【周年庆活动】LoserCoin两周年庆,大家自费买T恤. 是的,我们LoserCoin社区熬过两周年了。为了欢庆这两年我们一起走过的欢乐与不快乐的时光,在这个重要时刻,我们愉快的决定发起一个活动:【两周年庆. 大家自费买体恤.【周年庆活动】LoserCoin两周年庆,大家自费买T恤
如果,大家有参与意愿,请将你的想要印制的loserpunk图像,私信发我( @theseato )。要求是:将loserpunk图像的名称改为相应的编码,如:“#666.png” ,发送原图。
进去之后找:小葵客服。找到小葵客服之后报口令:“LoserCoin社区 - D款”
21 Apr 2023, 10:06
21 Apr 2023, 04:56
losercoin官网已经更新. 船新的界面带给大家船新的体验. AI功能全放开,欢迎大家前来体验. 官网地址:.losercoin官网已经更新!
https://t.co/3jRx4ZLXHK https://t.co/fAYMdw8ZvL
20 Apr 2023, 14:31
教练,我想打篮球. 看完了,青春结束了,最感动你的是哪一句话. 哪一个场景. 我先来,"老爹,你最光荣的时刻是代表国家队出场吗. 而我呢,就是现在了". #NFTs #SLAMDANK.教练,我想打篮球!🏀 https://t.co/N8NZwRxigW
#NFTs #SLAMDANK https://t.co/qK0p1maWsg
20 Apr 2023, 07:31
Losers website got an upgrade 🤌🤌 Boom
Losers website got an upgrade Boom.Losers website got an upgrade 🤌🤌 Boom
19 Apr 2023, 12:56
Whose concert?You want? #NFT #musicshower
五月天元宇宙演唱会. Whose concert. You want. #NFT #musicshower.五月天元宇宙演唱会?😍 https://t.co/5acihSQg9u
Whose concert?You want? #NFT #musicshower https://t.co/Zhf15ISRWw
17 Apr 2023, 09:49
❓是谁说lowb在@BNBCHAIN bsc合约有风险来着的?
🫵别忘了,lowb的目标之一就是要上币安的 @binance @cz_binance @binancezh
是谁说lowb在@BNBCHAIN bsc合约有风险来着的. 自己把脸送上来打是我没想的. 别忘了,lowb的目标之一就是要上币安的 @binance @cz_binance @binancezh.❓是谁说lowb在@BNBCHAIN bsc合约有风险来着的?
🫵别忘了,lowb的目标之一就是要上币安的 @binance @cz_binance @binancezh https://t.co/BrHaMiX8xx
17 Apr 2023, 04:10
RT @Loser_toshi: 有一个想法,现在征集一下大家意见,就是一直以来的一个老问题,bsc的合约不算ok,这个也是社区争议比较多的,所以我们在 @gate_io 上已经更换了eth合约,如果把bsc上面的全部转移到eth上面大家觉得如何?放弃这个有问题的合约?然后限定…
RT @Loser_toshi: 有一个想法,现在征集一下大家意见,就是一直以来的一个老问题,bsc的合约不算ok,这个也是社区争议比较多的,所以我们在 @gate_io 上已经更换了eth合约,如果把bsc上面的全部转移到eth上面大家觉得如何.RT @Loser_toshi: 有一个想法,现在征集一下大家意见,就是一直以来的一个老问题,bsc的合约不算ok,这个也是社区争议比较多的,所以我们在 @gate_io 上已经更换了eth合约,如果把bsc上面的全部转移到eth上面大家觉得如何?放弃这个有问题的合约?然后限定…
16 Apr 2023, 15:09
🎉公布一个喜讯,前段时间和onekey硬件钱包@OneKeyHQ 合作的联名款大获成功,群友们好评如潮!
在此基础上,low主龙心大悦,随即大手一挥,当场决定对在钱包中上镜的这4个 #loserpunk 打一些 $lowb ,给予版权支持!❤️
版权费全部发出. 恭喜这四个lowb得到他们应有的版权费. 我们lowb社区虽然人low,但是格局永远不low,身为被很多土狗项目抄袭的受害者,loser社区强烈建议币圈应该重视下版权的保护,loser社区以身作则,为币圈注入正能量.🥳版权费全部发出!
我们lowb社区虽然人low,但是格局永远不low,身为被很多土狗项目抄袭的受害者,loser社区强烈建议币圈应该重视下版权的保护,loser社区以身作则,为币圈注入正能量! https://t.co/ih9DoBQtI2
🎉公布一个喜讯,前段时间和onekey硬件钱包@OneKeyHQ 合作的联名款大获成功,群友们好评如潮!
在此基础上,low主龙心大悦,随即大手一挥,当场决定对在钱包中上镜的这4个 #loserpunk 打一些 $lowb ,给予版权支持!❤️ https://t.co/ws9o7DIKvv
15 Apr 2023, 15:54
This week in Losercoin (04/15)
1. Lord losercoin chatted with all the bosses in Hong Kong this week, and got a lot of useful information, and also attracted many people to the telegram group
2. The lowb-onekey joint hardware wallet has been sent to everyone, including overseas people
3. Free mint on sns keys:
4. Most of the players in the group have switched to use loserpunk as profile images, and the price of loserpunk has been rising all the way
This week in Losercoin (04/15).This week in Losercoin (04/15)
1. Lord losercoin chatted with all the bosses in Hong Kong this week, and got a lot of useful information, and also attracted many people to the telegram group
2. The lowb-onekey joint hardware wallet has been sent to everyone, including overseas people
3. Free mint on sns keys: https://twitter.com/loser_coin/status/1647176107760951297?s=20
4. Most of the players in the group have switched to use loserpunk as profile images, and the price of loserpunk has been rising all the way
15 Apr 2023, 09:52
#SNS Domain Super #Airdrops is on ❗️❗️
The Lowbs' exclusive airdrops.
Sincere thanks to our partner @LinkkeyOfficial for the generous gift.
💰 3 digits Social DID Freemint! (Worth 600 $Matic)
LINKKEY X LOSERCOIN. #SNS Domain Super #Airdrops is on ️️. The Lowbs' exclusive airdrops.🎉 LINKKEY X LOSERCOIN
#SNS Domain Super #Airdrops is on ❗️❗️
The Lowbs' exclusive airdrops.
Sincere thanks to our partner @LinkkeyOfficial for the generous gift.
💰 3 digits Social DID Freemint! (Worth 600 $Matic) https://t.co/3EH36fyBVE
15 Apr 2023, 06:31
🎉公布一个喜讯,前段时间和onekey硬件钱包@OneKeyHQ 合作的联名款大获成功,群友们好评如潮!
在此基础上,low主龙心大悦,随即大手一挥,当场决定对在钱包中上镜的这4个 #loserpunk 打一些 $lowb ,给予版权支持!❤️
公布一个喜讯,前段时间和onekey硬件钱包@OneKeyHQ 合作的联名款大获成功,群友们好评如潮. 在此基础上,low主龙心大悦,随即大手一挥,当场决定对在钱包中上镜的这4个 #loserpunk 打一些 $lowb ,给予版权支持.🎉公布一个喜讯,前段时间和onekey硬件钱包@OneKeyHQ 合作的联名款大获成功,群友们好评如潮!
在此基础上,low主龙心大悦,随即大手一挥,当场决定对在钱包中上镜的这4个 #loserpunk 打一些 $lowb ,给予版权支持!❤️ https://t.co/ws9o7DIKvv
15 Apr 2023, 03:13
这个睡姿太low了. 离开香港之前再吐槽下,近期会议巨多,导致房价暴涨,我和朋友一块定的住宿均价在1600一晚,我本想着这个价格了应该不至于太差吧,结果搞不明白为什么这里的床可以这么小,想到电视剧里的蜗居我现在条件还是强太多,知足常乐.这个睡姿太low了 https://t.co/SGGOfRU5lN
离开香港之前再吐槽下,近期会议巨多,导致房价暴涨,我和朋友一块定的住宿均价在1600一晚,我本想着这个价格了应该不至于太差吧,结果搞不明白为什么这里的床可以这么小,想到电视剧里的蜗居我现在条件还是强太多,知足常乐😟 https://t.co/cJdm5JviSs
14 Apr 2023, 16:17
RT @Loser_toshi: 由于自己接下来想发型一套nft,这次也向很多nft领域比较有见解的朋友请教,再结合我们实际情况,有一些细节是定下来了,free mint,白名单的门槛也和当时lowb一样最低,数量和哪条链还没有确定,如果在eth主网就需要自行mint,如果是二…
RT @Loser_toshi: 由于自己接下来想发型一套nft,这次也向很多nft领域比较有见解的朋友请教,再结合我们实际情况,有一些细节是定下来了,free mint,白名单的门槛也和当时lowb一样最低,数量和哪条链还没有确定,如果在eth主网就需要RT @Loser_toshi: 由于自己接下来想发型一套nft,这次也向很多nft领域比较有见解的朋友请教,再结合我们实际情况,有一些细节是定下来了,free mint,白名单的门槛也和当时lowb一样最低,数量和哪条链还没有确定,如果在eth主网就需要自行mint,如果是二…
13 Apr 2023, 07:29
#2023香港区块链web3大会 记录,分享下心得体会,反思,收获,持续更新,看看大家有没有什么共鸣!
快来看low主的香港小作文. #2023香港区块链web3大会 记录,分享下心得体会,反思,收获,持续更新,看看大家有没有什么共鸣.快来看low主的香港小作文😎 https://t.co/rrKHJ6nlEk
#2023香港区块链web3大会 记录,分享下心得体会,反思,收获,持续更新,看看大家有没有什么共鸣! https://t.co/NA03FAdms4
13 Apr 2023, 03:34
最近撸毛很火. 撸毛党怎么能忘了我们lowb呢. 最近几年最简单,成本最低的撸毛,就是转发lowb的推特,一个人最高20万rmb,3万u,冲啊.最近撸毛很火?撸毛党怎么能忘了我们lowb呢!
12 Apr 2023, 11:50
虽然low主被邀请了,但是low主和这个高端场所格格不入,就不去了.虽然low主被邀请了,但是low主和这个高端场所格格不入,就不去了😇😇 https://t.co/6tiMgE41Pv
12 Apr 2023, 04:45
12 Apr 2023, 02:36
Hey hey, gm peeps!
We're already grindin' and the vibes are lit at the spot!
我好像看到了什么(图3黄色盒子). 祝大会成功. Hey hey, gm peeps. We're already grindin' and the vibes are lit at the spot.我好像看到了什么👀(图3黄色盒子)
祝大会成功! https://t.co/lHSbH1vjGg
Hey hey, gm peeps!
We're already grindin' and the vibes are lit at the spot! https://t.co/s0sjk4WVJA
10 Apr 2023, 03:45
08 Apr 2023, 17:09
This week in Lowb (04/08)
Some updates:
1.A major upgrade of the telegram robot: now you can use the /ask command to chat with GPT-4, use the /bing command to chat with new bing (if there is a problem, you can use the /rst command to reset). In addition, you can start with /plot and /draw to ask questions that require drawing, the /draw command produces 4 pictures at each time
3.http://lowbai.com/ is now online, you can go and tease the robot
4.The lowb hardware wallet has been delivered. The essence of a hardware wallet is a set of mnemonic words put into a security chip. Be sure to keep your mnemonic in mind (don't copy the wrong word). Because after the wallet is generated, the mnemonic or the private key of the corresponding address can no longer be viewed. After generating the wallet, it is recommended to write down your first address. Then reset the hardware wallet, refill the mnemonic you copied down, and check whether the address is the same as before. (to prevent misremembering the mnemonic).
5.Lord losercoin is invited to go to Hong Kong for a meeting, and there will be a lot of big player in Hong Kong.
This week in Lowb (04/08). Some updates:.This week in Lowb (04/08)
Some updates:
1.A major upgrade of the telegram robot: now you can use the /ask command to chat with GPT-4, use the /bing command to chat with new bing (if there is a problem, you can use the /rst command to reset). In addition, you can start with /plot and /draw to ask questions that require drawing, the /draw command produces 4 pictures at each time
3.http://lowbai.com/ is now online, you can go and tease the robot
4.The lowb hardware wallet has been delivered. The essence of a hardware wallet is a set of mnemonic words put into a security chip. Be sure to keep your mnemonic in mind (don't copy the wrong word). Because after the wallet is generated, the mnemonic or the private key of the corresponding address can no longer be viewed. After generating the wallet, it is recommended to write down your first address. Then reset the hardware wallet, refill the mnemonic you copied down, and check whether the address is the same as before. (to prevent misremembering the mnemonic).
5.Lord losercoin is invited to go to Hong Kong for a meeting, and there will be a lot of big player in Hong Kong.
08 Apr 2023, 14:30
08 Apr 2023, 11:30
06 Apr 2023, 14:33
我的 #losercoin专属硬件钱包......就是一堵安全墙!#lowb #loserpunk
@loser_coin 🆒🆒
看样子你根本不是lowb. 我的 #losercoin专属硬件钱包. 就是一堵安全墙. #lowb #loserpunk. @loser_coin.看样子你根本不是lowb😭 https://t.co/oQxmiTlmw3
我的 #losercoin专属硬件钱包......就是一堵安全墙!#lowb #loserpunk
@loser_coin 🆒🆒 https://t.co/WWdz1gd2ou
05 Apr 2023, 09:47
怎么样,是不是很符合你的气质呢(手动狗头). 钱包里居然有这种币.怎么样,是不是很符合你的气质呢(手动狗头) https://t.co/m1avtMyWBw
钱包里居然有这种币😂 https://t.co/vSHIm5TSDf
05 Apr 2023, 06:07
05 Apr 2023, 03:14
用硬件钱包的小贴士:. 1、硬件钱包的本质是一组放进安全芯片里的助记词。. 2、所以一定要牢记你的助记词(不要抄错单词了)。因为生成钱包之后,就不能再查看助记词或者相应地址的私钥。.用硬件钱包的小贴士:
04 Apr 2023, 15:27
❤️社区里已经有lowb们陆续收到了lowb和@OneKeyHQ 合作的联名钱包了!
社区里已经有lowb们陆续收到了lowb和@OneKeyHQ 合作的联名钱包了. 社区反馈很不错有了好钱包才能保护自己的财产不被可恶的黑客偷走,避免low上加low,赞.❤️社区里已经有lowb们陆续收到了lowb和@OneKeyHQ 合作的联名钱包了!
社区反馈很不错😋有了好钱包才能保护自己的财产不被可恶的黑客偷走,避免low上加low,赞👍🏻 https://t.co/CbTGEEB06p
04 Apr 2023, 09:14
欢迎大家一起来微信公众号看小编幽默诙谐的讲述着咱们lowb社区内发生的大大小小搞笑故事. 扫描二维码关注微信公众号.欢迎大家一起来微信公众号看小编幽默诙谐的讲述着咱们lowb社区内发生的大大小小搞笑故事😉
扫描二维码关注微信公众号❤️ https://t.co/0HVKZxqCeJ
31 Mar 2023, 17:01
我们lowb和onekey @OneKeyHQ 合作的联名硬件钱包已经制作完成!
我们lowb和onekey @OneKeyHQ 合作的联名硬件钱包已经制作完成. 已经订购的lowb们准备好了吗.好消息!
我们lowb和onekey @OneKeyHQ 合作的联名硬件钱包已经制作完成!
已经订购的lowb们准备好了吗😉 https://t.co/0MD0vftdF4
26 Mar 2023, 09:10
#btc #ETH #Binance #Loser
太扎心了,这就是币圈现状. #btc #ETH #Binance #Loser.太扎心了,这就是币圈现状🥲🥲
#btc #ETH #Binance #Loser https://t.co/H6SCPz1ygQ
23 Mar 2023, 11:16
lowb社区每天都有好玩搞笑的故事发生. 快来看lowb公众号记录的故事吧. 想体验更多好玩的话题欢迎加入lowb社区电报群:.lowb社区每天都有好玩搞笑的故事发生😂
22 Mar 2023, 06:48
#BTC #ETH #Binance
一不小心昨天lowb社区又贡献了币圈大笑料. 欢迎收看lowb社区成员关于昨天活动的介绍. #BTC #ETH #Binance.一不小心昨天lowb社区又贡献了币圈大笑料🤣🤣
#BTC #ETH #Binance
21 Mar 2023, 14:44
Frens! We are hosting an online event on the topic of meme文化与nft的未来!.
Live on @link3to
🎁 15 USDT Giveaway!
✅ Follow @qukuaishijie @loser_coin @Loser_toshi
✅ Like & Retweet
⏰ Mar 22, Wed, 09:00 PM UTC+8
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Frens. We are hosting an online event on the topic of meme文化与nft的未来. Live on @link3to. 15 USDT Giveaway.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 https://t.co/IemgmKGQcg
Frens! We are hosting an online event on the topic of meme文化与nft的未来!.
Live on @link3to
🎁 15 USDT Giveaway!
✅ Follow @qukuaishijie @loser_coin @Loser_toshi
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⏰ Mar 22, Wed, 09:00 PM UTC+8
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🔗 https://t.co/wy5sPS74cb
21 Mar 2023, 14:27
21 Mar 2023, 14:02
21 Mar 2023, 00:21
Losercoin (LOWB) is a meme coin that was born in 2021 with a unique self-deprecating culture. Its goal is to unite losers from all over the world and make them great again. Unlike many other meme coins that faded away during the two-year bear market, LOWB has survived despite its continuous price decline. This is because its community is strong and loyal, and its members keep building the project during the hard times. They believe that LOWB will shine in the upcoming bull market.
LOWB is the native token of LoserCoin , a decentralized finance (DeFi) project that allows users to mine and stake LOWB on its platform called LoserSwap. LoserSwap aims to create a decentralized ecosystem that supports various applications such as NFTs, games, charity and more. One of the most popular features of LoserSwap is the Loser Cup series of NFTs, which are collectible digital artworks that represent different types of losers.
LOWB has a total supply of 100 billion tokens, of which 60% are already in circulation. The two founders of LoserCoin have put their entire life savings into the liquidity pool on the first day of launch. They claim that they will not manipulate or rug pull LOWB because they have no capital left. They also invite other losers who have lost money in crypto to join their project and share their stories.
LOWB can be traded on several exchanges such as Gate.io, Uniswap, Crypto.com, ZT Global and XT.com . It has also attracted some partners such as Binance Smart Chain (BSC), CertiK Foundation and DappRadar. As of March 21st 2023, LOWB has a market cap of $1.47 million USD and a price of $0.000024 USD per token.
LOWB is not just a meme coin; it is a symbol of hope and resilience for those who have faced failures and challenges in life. It is a community-driven project that celebrates diversity and humor. It is also a potential DeFi platform that offers various opportunities for users to earn rewards and enjoy entertainment. LOWB may be low in price, but it is high in spirit.
Losercoin (LOWB) is a meme coin that was born in 2021 with a unique self-deprecating culture.Losercoin (LOWB) is a meme coin that was born in 2021 with a unique self-deprecating culture. Its goal is to unite losers from all over the world and make them great again. Unlike many other meme coins that faded away during the two-year bear market, LOWB has survived despite its continuous price decline. This is because its community is strong and loyal, and its members keep building the project during the hard times. They believe that LOWB will shine in the upcoming bull market.
LOWB is the native token of LoserCoin , a decentralized finance (DeFi) project that allows users to mine and stake LOWB on its platform called LoserSwap. LoserSwap aims to create a decentralized ecosystem that supports various applications such as NFTs, games, charity and more. One of the most popular features of LoserSwap is the Loser Cup series of NFTs, which are collectible digital artworks that represent different types of losers.
LOWB has a total supply of 100 billion tokens, of which 60% are already in circulation. The two founders of LoserCoin have put their entire life savings into the liquidity pool on the first day of launch. They claim that they will not manipulate or rug pull LOWB because they have no capital left. They also invite other losers who have lost money in crypto to join their project and share their stories.
LOWB can be traded on several exchanges such as Gate.io, Uniswap, Crypto.com, ZT Global and XT.com . It has also attracted some partners such as Binance Smart Chain (BSC), CertiK Foundation and DappRadar. As of March 21st 2023, LOWB has a market cap of $1.47 million USD and a price of $0.000024 USD per token.
LOWB is not just a meme coin; it is a symbol of hope and resilience for those who have faced failures and challenges in life. It is a community-driven project that celebrates diversity and humor. It is also a potential DeFi platform that offers various opportunities for users to earn rewards and enjoy entertainment. LOWB may be low in price, but it is high in spirit.
20 Mar 2023, 12:47
Frens! We are hosting an online event with @loser_coin @Loser_toshi @Lowbpusa on the topic of low穿地心的Space.
Live on @link3to - the biggest Web3 AMA platform.
⏰ Mar 21, Tue, 10:00 PM UTC+8
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Frens. We are hosting an online event with @loser_coin @Loser_toshi @Lowbpusa on the topic of low穿地心的Space.Frens! We are hosting an online event with @loser_coin @Loser_toshi @Lowbpusa on the topic of low穿地心的Space.
Live on @link3to - the biggest Web3 AMA platform.
⏰ Mar 21, Tue, 10:00 PM UTC+8
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🔗 https://t.co/el53dEeqR8
19 Mar 2023, 12:57
小伙伴们还记得她吗? @loser_coin
转发这条推文,抽价值200U的 $LOWB
小伙伴们还记得她吗. @loser_coin. 记得她的超级空投吗. 类似的机遇又在哪里呢. 或者MeMe又有什么出路呢. 期待最新一期的分享. 转发这条推文,抽价值200U的 $LOWB.👀 https://t.co/yXNlk8aieK
小伙伴们还记得她吗? @loser_coin
转发这条推文,抽价值200U的 $LOWB