Loser Coin
Loser Coin (LOWB) is a memecoin that surpasses DOGE and SHIBU in popularity. The project promises not to manipulate the market, not to postpone fundraising and never to increase the supply.
News about Loser Coin
01 Jun 2022, 05:01
28 May 2022, 13:38
27 May 2022, 06:36
【转】洋葱财经: lowb跨链以太坊引发市场恐慌情绪,导致以太坊价格暴跌
【转】洋葱财经: lowb跨链以太坊引发市场恐慌情绪,导致以太坊价格暴跌.【转】洋葱财经: lowb跨链以太坊引发市场恐慌情绪,导致以太坊价格暴跌
25 May 2022, 04:07
24 May 2022, 12:31
论坛维护公告:. 各位loser们好,由于服务器升级原因,loser论坛将于今晚10点开始暂停使用,预计维护时间6-8小时。.论坛维护公告:
23 May 2022, 14:35
LUSD-USDT stablecoin farming is live 🤌
current APR 1300%
You could buy LUSD directly from PancakeSwap or mint LUSD here:
Earn LUSD here:
LUSD BSC contract address: 0x308Fa584F35690E8Fae8B18814d67C6402417928
Don’t lose your mind 🤯
LUSD-USDT stablecoin farming is live. current APR 1300%. You could buy LUSD directly from PancakeSwap or mint LUSD here:.LUSD-USDT stablecoin farming is live 🤌
current APR 1300%
You could buy LUSD directly from PancakeSwap or mint LUSD here: https://losergame.org
Earn LUSD here: https://app.loserswap.com
LUSD BSC contract address: 0x308Fa584F35690E8Fae8B18814d67C6402417928
Don’t lose your mind 🤯
23 May 2022, 10:55
可前往 铸造或者pancake购买
新版lusd已经上线,合约地址:0x308Fa584F35690E8Fae8B18814d67C6402417928. 可前往 铸造或者pancake购买. 农场也已上线,目前稳定币矿池年华8000%.新版lusd已经上线,合约地址:0x308Fa584F35690E8Fae8B18814d67C6402417928
可前往 https://www.losergame.org/ 铸造或者pancake购买
22 May 2022, 11:05
22 May 2022, 05:26
19 May 2022, 14:47
各位loser们,loser论坛整新活儿了. 大家现在可以来论坛新板块《loser访谈》,你可以在这个板块中分享你在币圈的那些亏钱经历. 或者曾经听过、见过、甚至亲生经历过的黑幕. 我们loser不怕得罪人,欢迎过来分享你的那些经历.各位loser们,loser论坛整新活儿了!!
19 May 2022, 14:27
Gate.io supporting Lowb token migration 🤌🤌
io supporting Lowb token migration.Gate.io supporting Lowb token migration 🤌🤌
19 May 2022, 11:45
本周四晚上 欢迎有空来聊
会议时间:2022/05/19 20:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京
B站《同dao中人》栏目组携手low主,与您一起深度解析币圈大小事. 本周四晚上 欢迎有空来聊. 会议主题:Luna崩溃复盘和展望. 会议时间:2022/05/19 20:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京.B站《同dao中人》栏目组携手low主,与您一起深度解析币圈大小事
本周四晚上 欢迎有空来聊
会议时间:2022/05/19 20:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京
19 May 2022, 09:16
19 May 2022, 06:57
📢 $lowb Major Upgrade Notice
Dear loser fam, to solve the long-criticized additional issuance issue & facilitate better future development, we decided to upgrade $lowb contract and deploy it on ETH (yep, poor loser gonna be on the wealthy chain 🤣)
Kindly note that $lowb on @gate_io will be upgraded from BSC chain to ETH chain. Please check @gate_io announcement section for detailed rules related to $lowb on gate exchange❤️
▶️LOWB ETH contract address: 0x69e5C11a7C30f0bf84A9faECBd5161AA7a94decA
Stay tuned for more information
$lowb Major Upgrade Notice.📢 $lowb Major Upgrade Notice
Dear loser fam, to solve the long-criticized additional issuance issue & facilitate better future development, we decided to upgrade $lowb contract and deploy it on ETH (yep, poor loser gonna be on the wealthy chain 🤣)
Kindly note that $lowb on @gate_io will be upgraded from BSC chain to ETH chain. Please check @gate_io announcement section for detailed rules related to $lowb on gate exchange❤️
▶️LOWB ETH contract address: 0x69e5C11a7C30f0bf84A9faECBd5161AA7a94decA
Stay tuned for more information
19 May 2022, 04:54
亲爱的loser们,我们即将迎来lowb的一次重大更新:. 为了解决大家诟病已久的增发问题,并希望创造出lowb未来更好的发展条件,我们决定将lowb的合约升级并部署在eth上(没错,穷屌丝要到富贵链上耍一耍了).📢重要通知
18 May 2022, 17:37
loser们,让我们欢迎loser社区最新合作伙伴——人人都想亲一口的(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
loser们,让我们欢迎loser社区最新合作伙伴——人人都想亲一口的(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑). 甜牙Sweetooth. Sweetooth现正在开启推特空白名单活动,快来参加吧~. 参与链接:.loser们,让我们欢迎loser社区最新合作伙伴——人人都想亲一口的(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
参与链接: https://twitter.com/SweetoothNFTs/status/1527075071256195072?s=20&t=1a32JFBT3kWfuU2f8P2Unw
18 May 2022, 05:34
本周四晚上 欢迎有空来聊
会议时间:2022/05/19 20:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京
B站《同dao中人》栏目组携手low主,与您一起深度解析币圈大小事. 本周四晚上 欢迎有空来聊. 会议主题:Luna崩溃复盘和展望. 会议时间:2022/05/19 20:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京.B站《同dao中人》栏目组携手low主,与您一起深度解析币圈大小事
本周四晚上 欢迎有空来聊
会议时间:2022/05/19 20:00-22:00 (GMT+08:00) 中国标准时间 - 北京
16 May 2022, 16:37
📢New Token Registration
#SNS registration will soon support $LOWB( polygon) payments
New Token Registration. #SNS registration will soon support $LOWB( polygon) payments.📢New Token Registration
#SNS registration will soon support $LOWB( polygon) payments
16 May 2022, 06:51
1. 30W LOWB注册一个SNS,限时至5月31日
2. 6月1日起调整为40WLOWB注册一个
3. 当一个SNS注册时,将销毁70%注册费,30%注册费进入LOWB基金会地址。
4. 币价波动会影响这个注册费用,注册价如果上升很高了,可能得维持注册价的7-8折(不低于7折)
建立在polygon上的域名服务商,一个 web3 社交开放协议,支持用户发布个人 nft,然后形成私有组和社区
LoserCoin的合作伙伴Linkkey开启Lowb注册SNS活动. 30W LOWB注册一个SNS,限时至5月31日. 6月1日起调整为40WLOWB注册一个. 当一个SNS注册时,将销毁70%注册费,30%注册费进入LOWB基金会地址。.LoserCoin的合作伙伴👉Linkkey开启Lowb注册SNS活动
1. 30W LOWB注册一个SNS,限时至5月31日
2. 6月1日起调整为40WLOWB注册一个
3. 当一个SNS注册时,将销毁70%注册费,30%注册费进入LOWB基金会地址。
4. 币价波动会影响这个注册费用,注册价如果上升很高了,可能得维持注册价的7-8折(不低于7折)
建立在polygon上的域名服务商,一个 web3 社交开放协议,支持用户发布个人 nft,然后形成私有组和社区
推特: https://twitter.com/LinkkeyOfficial
中文电报群: https://t.me/linkkeychinese
16 May 2022, 05:58
16 May 2022, 05:05
16 May 2022, 04:32
大家久等了,这是更新后的lusd合约地址:0xF2eaF92A14B2EDDdC089BB5120D6A13c872e6b4a,可以复制合约地址加入到钱包当中查看。. 目前正在赔付之前受损人lusd.大家久等了,这是更新后的lusd合约地址:0xF2eaF92A14B2EDDdC089BB5120D6A13c872e6b4a,可以复制合约地址加入到钱包当中查看。
15 May 2022, 00:56
昨天铸造或者买入lusd的可以在这里登记一下:.昨天铸造或者买入lusd的可以在这里登记一下: http://losercointalk.org/thread?topicId=6646
14 May 2022, 15:11
事情的起因是 @halfdayman 部署在LUSD的合约被人攻击了,因为价格锚定在pancake上,所以傍晚的拉盘其实是这名黑客先用10万U拉盘lowb,然后同时用lusd兑换成lowb,幸好因为lowb项目方太穷,没加太多流动性,不然就亏大了。所以只能被迫选择撤走lusd的池子。项目方总计亏损2亿lowb+37BNB。实在是太tm lowb了。。。
事情的起因是 @halfdayman 部署在LUSD的合约被人攻击了,因为价格锚定在pancake上,所以傍晚的拉盘其实是这名黑客先用10万U拉盘lowb,然后同时用lusd兑换成lowb,幸好因为lowb项目方太穷,没加太多流动性,不然就亏大了。所以只能被迫选择撤走lusd的池子。项目方总计亏损2亿lowb+37BNB。实在是太tm lowb了。。。
14 May 2022, 11:47
LUSD launched 🤌🤌🤌🥳🥳
LUSD launched.LUSD launched 🤌🤌🤌🥳🥳
14 May 2022, 07:20
LUSD= Loser USD algorithmic stable coin incoming !!!
LUSD= Loser USD algorithmic stable coin incoming .LUSD= Loser USD algorithmic stable coin incoming !!!
12 May 2022, 17:37
Holding Luna turned into a nightmare recently. As losers, we know what $LUNA holders are going through rn.
Therefore, we have decided to send an airdrop to $LUNA holders in order to welcome them to the Loser community.
Fill the form below to participate in the event:
Holding Luna turned into a nightmare recently. As losers, we know what $LUNA holders are going through rn.Holding Luna turned into a nightmare recently. As losers, we know what $LUNA holders are going through rn.
Therefore, we have decided to send an airdrop to $LUNA holders in order to welcome them to the Loser community.
Fill the form below to participate in the event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScKT5AGWXoQ77E8hvl9duUsPXkoQn42f6bvxfAlZJ_Dvzk02g/viewform
08 May 2022, 06:05
04 May 2022, 14:03
Loser Rescue Project Launched!
Dear loser community members, the "Loser Rescue Project" is officially launched today!
Now this is why we are doing the Loser Rescue Project:
I believe that losers have their own difficulties in real life; every family has periods of times that are difficult. However, losers are still living tenaciously and never surrender to their fate!
The loser community believes that losers should help each other, encourage each other, and learn from each other. Based on this idea, the loser community launched the "Loser Rescue Project"
Everyone is welcome to participate in the program! You just need to tag your message with "#loserrescue".You can participate from the links below:
loser forum:
Email: team@losercoin.org
Everyone can express their emotions to the fullest, no matter whether they are negative emotions or positive energy. As long as people encounter some difficulties in life, they can join in to speak out.
Imagine this scenario: if you are a motivated loser and want to learn English, you can make a post in reddit. And other motivated losers will supervise you to learn and make progress together. Isn't it interesting?
Or maybe you are in heavy debt and don't know how to make a living in the future. You can post here and let us losers give you some advice and even provide you with future life plans.
Come on! Losers! Don't give up on yourself. The crypto world is ruthless, but losers are affectionate. So let's join this unprecedented self-rescue plan together!
Finally, we will synchronize the voices of losers received by Email to the official twitter, and you can make suggestions for losers in the comments; at the same time, we will collect the links to the posts of these questions and answers, and organize the replies.
Documentation link:
Let the beautiful side of the loser community be preserved along with the growth of lowb until the end of the world.
We will regularly share these precious loser memories with you on the official Twitter. History is the best teacher. Having these posts from the losers, I believe that the shy losers who have never spoken can also gain some experience from them.
Welcome to the official Twitter of losercoin:
Loser Rescue Project Launched. Dear loser community members, the "Loser Rescue Project" is officially launched today.Loser Rescue Project Launched!
Dear loser community members, the "Loser Rescue Project" is officially launched today!
Now this is why we are doing the Loser Rescue Project:
I believe that losers have their own difficulties in real life; every family has periods of times that are difficult. However, losers are still living tenaciously and never surrender to their fate!
The loser community believes that losers should help each other, encourage each other, and learn from each other. Based on this idea, the loser community launched the "Loser Rescue Project"
Everyone is welcome to participate in the program! You just need to tag your message with "#loserrescue".You can participate from the links below:
reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Losercoin_Official/
loser forum: http://losercointalk.org/
Email: team@losercoin.org
Everyone can express their emotions to the fullest, no matter whether they are negative emotions or positive energy. As long as people encounter some difficulties in life, they can join in to speak out.
Imagine this scenario: if you are a motivated loser and want to learn English, you can make a post in reddit. And other motivated losers will supervise you to learn and make progress together. Isn't it interesting?
Or maybe you are in heavy debt and don't know how to make a living in the future. You can post here and let us losers give you some advice and even provide you with future life plans.
Come on! Losers! Don't give up on yourself. The crypto world is ruthless, but losers are affectionate. So let's join this unprecedented self-rescue plan together!
Finally, we will synchronize the voices of losers received by Email to the official twitter, and you can make suggestions for losers in the comments; at the same time, we will collect the links to the posts of these questions and answers, and organize the replies.
Documentation link:
Let the beautiful side of the loser community be preserved along with the growth of lowb until the end of the world.
We will regularly share these precious loser memories with you on the official Twitter. History is the best teacher. Having these posts from the losers, I believe that the shy losers who have never spoken can also gain some experience from them.
Welcome to the official Twitter of losercoin: https://twitter.com/loser_coin
26 Apr 2022, 18:16
On our first anniversary, we plan to do something biiiiiggggg… 😎
Prize of more than 20,000 USD of $lowb awaits...
On our first anniversary, we plan to do something biiiiiggggg…. Prize of more than 20,000 USD of $lowb awaits.On our first anniversary, we plan to do something biiiiiggggg… 😎
Prize of more than 20,000 USD of $lowb awaits...
24 Apr 2022, 12:22
24 Apr 2022, 12:04
Join the Twitter Spaces to talk about Lowb and it’s 1 year anniversary 🤌🤌❤️
Join the Twitter Spaces to talk about Lowb and it's 1 year anniversary.Join the Twitter Spaces to talk about Lowb and it’s 1 year anniversary 🤌🤌❤️
24 Apr 2022, 04:30
19 Apr 2022, 20:39
19 Apr 2022, 15:53
Losers are everywhere 🤌 Lowb is among top 15 projects with the most Holders on BSC 😅
Losers are everywhere Lowb is among top 15 projects with the most Holders on BSC.Losers are everywhere 🤌 Lowb is among top 15 projects with the most Holders on BSC 😅
19 Apr 2022, 14:33
Anndy Lian is a true loser 🤌😅
Anndy Lian is a true loser.Anndy Lian is a true loser 🤌😅
18 Apr 2022, 19:11
Booooom ! !
The Chinese whale channel with 100K gollowers on Twitter called #LOWB!
Show them some Loser Love ! ! 🤌🤌
Booooom . The Chinese whale channel with 100K gollowers on Twitter called #LOWB. Show them some Loser Love .Booooom ! !
The Chinese whale channel with 100K gollowers on Twitter called #LOWB!
Show them some Loser Love ! ! 🤌🤌
15 Apr 2022, 16:36
We are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with sender_msg ! 🥳🤌
MsgSender is a decentralized wallet (available on Android and IOS) which provides an easy pair selection and charts for all pairs on Pancake and other DEXs on BSC.
Feel free to download the app and have a whole new Lowb experience
▶️ download.msgsender.org/msg096
Don’t lose your mind 🤌🤯
We are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with sender_msg .We are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with sender_msg ! 🥳🤌
MsgSender is a decentralized wallet (available on Android and IOS) which provides an easy pair selection and charts for all pairs on Pancake and other DEXs on BSC.
Feel free to download the app and have a whole new Lowb experience
▶️ download.msgsender.org/msg096
Don’t lose your mind 🤌🤯
13 Apr 2022, 18:10
good news 🎉
Do you want to be unique in web 3.0 space?
Welcome to register your own .loser domain name by visiting the following website:
good news. Do you want to be unique in web 3. 0 space. Welcome to register your own .good news 🎉
Do you want to be unique in web 3.0 space?
Welcome to register your own .loser domain name by visiting the following website:
▶️ https://highfive.name/
09 Apr 2022, 06:55
Lowb among the top gainers 🤌🤌
Lowb among the top gainers.Lowb among the top gainers 🤌🤌
07 Apr 2022, 10:45
Great news! Losercoin has added liquidity into
@Jswap_Finance !
Losercoin joins forces with @Jswap_Finance 🥳
We aim to become the No. 1 meme on @OKCNetwork
Please look for the OKC contract of LoserCoin
Great news. Losercoin has added liquidity into. @Jswap_Finance . Losercoin joins forces with @Jswap_Finance.Great news! Losercoin has added liquidity into
@Jswap_Finance !
Losercoin joins forces with @Jswap_Finance 🥳
We aim to become the No. 1 meme on @OKCNetwork
Please look for the OKC contract of LoserCoin
02 Apr 2022, 08:54
Make sure to follow LoserChain on twitter (https://twitter.com/loserchain) in order to be informed about the latest progress on LoserChain
Make sure to follow LoserChain on twitter () in order to be informed about the latest progress on LoserChain.Make sure to follow LoserChain on twitter (https://twitter.com/loserchain) in order to be informed about the latest progress on LoserChain
30 Mar 2022, 08:19
27 Mar 2022, 08:19
Lowb did it again 🤌
Lowb is among top 5 bullish projects on gate.io according to Dyorcryptobot with 96K followers on Twitter 🔥🔥
Lowb did it again. Lowb is among top 5 bullish projects on gate. io according to Dyorcryptobot with 96K followers on Twitter.Lowb did it again 🤌
Lowb is among top 5 bullish projects on gate.io according to Dyorcryptobot with 96K followers on Twitter 🔥🔥
20 Mar 2022, 13:48
Guess what this video is about 🤩🤌
Guess what this video is about.Guess what this video is about 🤩🤌
17 Mar 2022, 09:55
Lowb is among the Top 5 Bullish projects according to Dyor.net 🤌🤌
Lowb is among the Top 5 Bullish projects according to Dyor.Lowb is among the Top 5 Bullish projects according to Dyor.net 🤌🤌